week 22

What is happening to my baby?
Your baby’s is getting bigger with each day. Eyelids, eyebrows and fingernails are fully formed. Your baby is actively moving around stretching and building his or her muscle. Their immune system starts to build to protect your baby against infection. Your baby’s sex is more obvious, you may actually see it during ultrasound. At this stage, your baby measure about 19cm in length and weighs 350gm.
What is happening to me?
This is probably of one the most comfortable period during pregnancy. Your tummy is still not too distended and you could still bend and stretch easily. Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, you probably would notice an increased in vaginal discharge. Take note of the colour, smell and amount of vaginal discharge. In addition, if there is any other symptoms such as itchiness or vaginal bleeding. It is difficult to determine the exact cause of vaginal discharge by yourself. If could be due to either normal changes associated with pregnancy or a common vaginal infection caused by fungus called candidiasis. Talk to your doctor regarding treatment for candidiasis in pregnancy such as Gynofort or Canestan. In addition, ask your doctor regarding the role of probiotics.
What should I plan this week?
  • Review your life or health insurance plan
  • Review your working policy regarding maternity leave , post partum part time work
  • How to set up an education fund for your baby
Tips of the week
Tips on how to cope with vaginal discharge in pregnancy:
  • Talk to your health provider. Do not make a self diagnosis.
  • Wear panty liners to make you comfortable
  • Avoid tampon usage
  • Avoid douching or using scented soaps on your genitals as this may disrupt the normal pH balance and microorganisms in your vagina
Health matter
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