week 26

What is happening to my baby?
Your baby’s organs start to mature. As your baby’s brain begins to develop, the ear nerves also start to formed. Your baby will be able to learn and remember things or voices that he or she hears. At this stage, your baby measures about 23cm and weighs 910gm.
What is happening to me?
Your womb gradually enlarges to accommodate your growing baby. You will be able to feel your baby moving every day which is reassuring. Some women may be experiencing numbness, tingling and burning sensations in their hands. This may be due to Carpal tunnel syndrome. Those women who do repetitive hand movements such as secretary or computer programmers may have more symptoms.
What should I plan this week?
  • Talk and sing to your baby from this week onwards! Encourage your partner to do the same. Do not be surprise if your baby will recognize your voice and your partner’s after birth.
  • Schedule an appointment to talk to your doctor regarding important issues such as would he/she delivering you or there will be other doctors on standby, what fetal monitoring is used during labour, when pain relief is available during labour, will your partner be able to accompany you during labour or caesarean, will you be having an episiotomy during vaginal delivery and policy regarding induction of labour. Write the list of things you’d like to discuss with your doctor at the appointment
Tips of the week
Tips on dealing with numbness of the hands during pregnancy:
  • If possible, avoid forceful repetitive hand movements
  • If you use computer, try to adjust the position of your chair so that your hands are not bending downwards.
  • Use special ergonomic computer keyboard if you work with the computer all day long
  • Make an appointment with a physiotherapist and ask for hand splints to help relieve the cramps in your hands
  • If you wake up with pain during the night, you could shake your hands to shake off the pain
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