week 27

What is happening to my baby?

Your baby’s eyelids which have been fused previously may start to open this week. The retina is also forming. Your baby also begins to have the regular awake and sleep cycle. At this stage, your baby measures approximately 24cm and is about 1kg.
What is happening to me?
You are continuing to grow and put on weight. Start to notice the regular rhythm that your baby makes. You need to review your blood Rhesus status if you are not sure. If it is negative, talk to your doctor about getting Anti D injection at about 28 weeks to prevent Rhesus disease.
What should I plan this week?
  • Find out about cord blood banking then decide whether you want to do so.
  • Plan to get your Anti D injection from your doctor if you are Rhesus negative
Tips of the week
Tips on choosing a private cord blood bank:
  • Review the list of available private cord blood bank
  • Compare the cost from different private cord blood banking and any differences in the service offered
  • How is the collection of the cord blood done.
  • Where do they store the cord blood – their own or a leased space
  • Is the company financially stable
  • Does the bank store the blood in a single or separate bag or vial. Is it perhaps better to have the blood in small batches or bag with multiple compartment.
  • Has any of the stored cord blood been used for successful transplant
  • Offers good customer service
Health matter
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