From the Editor : The Mummy Journey

Hey everyone,

Here we are once again in another edition of the Pitter Patter newsletter. Our Independence Day is coming soon and I bet all of us are reveling in our patriotism and celebratory spirit. Merdeka is a great time for us to reflect on our nation’s journey for the past 58 years and how far we have come as people. In line with this, we too would like to reflect on a journey; The Mummy Journey.

We will begin with an article on how you can increase your chances of getting pregnant, with advise on food, weight and lifestyle choices. Next we discuss how to look for signs that you are pregnant. It would be great to understand these signs before you pull out that pregnancy test stick and began hoping. 🙂

A newsletter about the mummy journey will not be complete without a discussion on how to have a healthy pregnancy. Therefore, we have also included an article on the Top 10 must have apps that can help you enjoy a healthier pregnancy. Let’s face it, most of us are totally dependent on our smartphones for information in this connected era.

Finally, we look at how you the mum can get some deserving time off to take care of yourself after the baby is born. We hope this will be another useful read for all of you, mums, soon-to-be-mums, wannabe mums and even non- mums… and dads.. of course.

Till next time. Selamat Hari Merdeka everyone! May we remain Sehati Sejiwa as one till the end.

mummy journey

Your Pitter Patter Editor!

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