week 17

What is happening to my baby?

Your baby starts to form fat or adipose tissue which will later on help with metabolism and heat regulation. The baby’s sense of hearing is also developing. At this stage your baby is about 11 – 12cm in length and weighs 100gm.
What is happening to me?
Your abdominal girth begans expanding as the uterus continues the grow. The top of your womb is just below your belly button. Some women may feel ligament-stretching discomfort at their groin area. This is called round ligament pain and is quite normal to experience this. The round ligament is a thick band of ligament that attaches to each side of the uterus and holds the uterus in place. Talk to your doctor if it becomes to uncomfortable.
What should I plan this week?
  • Plan to book for your antenatal class this week. Look at the different types of classes available and what it has to offer you. The classes could be held either by private or government hospitals. There are also private classes. A lot of relevant topics regarding pregnancy, childbirth and post natal will be covered. Do book early as classes tend to be full quickly. Schedule it with your partner and pen it into your diary.
Tips of the week
Tips on coping with round ligament pain:
  • Do not worry it is a common unharmful thing to experience round ligament pain
  • Lie on the side which is sore to help relieve the pain
  • You could take Panadol if it becomes too uncomfortable. Panadol is safe to take during pregnancy.
  • See your doctor if the pain becomes worse or associated with lower abdominal cramping, vaginal discharge or bleeding.

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