week 20


What is happening to my baby?

Your baby’s skin now has two layers – the epidermis and the dermis. From now onwards, the skin begins to secrete a white pasty subtance called ‘vernix’ that will cover your baby’s skin. This vernix provides a protective layer for you baby’s skin while it is immersed within the amniotic fluid and its slippery texture makes it more easier for baby to pass through the birth canal during labour. In addition, your baby has started to produce baby poo called meconium. At this stage your baby is 14 – 16cm in length and weighs 315gm.
What is happening to me?
The top of your womb is now at the level of your belly button. From now onwards you will gain about ½ to 1 pounds / week till delivery. You may want to plan travelling with your partner of family. Travelling in pregnancy should be alright provided you take the necessary precautions.
What should I plan this week?
  • See you doctor to discuss regarding having a special scan called detail scan. During this scan, your baby will be scan from head to toe to detect any abnormalities. In addition, a 3D scan could be done which give you an amazing clear picture of what your baby looks like!
Tips of the week
Tips for travelling during pregnancy:
  • Ask your doctor whether it will safe for your to do so
  • Consider airflight policies if your are planning to travel in your third trimester by air
  • Take you antenatal card and medications along
  • Check your health insurance policy
  • Consider buying travelling insurance
  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes
  • If the duration of the travelling is long distance, make sure you keep your legs moving, wear leg support stockings and keep hydrated to prevent blood clots forming in your legs (Deep Venous Thrombosis)
Health matters
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