week 24

What is happening to my baby?
Your baby’s brain is rapidly growing at this moment. The kidneys, lungs and gut is also growing and maturing.
What is happening to me?
The top of your uterus is now about 2 inches from your belly button. Your baby’s movement becomes more obvious and stronger now. Urinary tract infection is common in pregnancy due to several changes in pregnancy. The uterus sits on top of the bladder which may block urine draining from the bladder. You may experience symptoms such as burning sensation during passing urine, lower abdominal pain, the need to pass urine more often or your urine looks cloudier. The bladder infection may have spread to your kidneys if you experience fever and lower back pain, see your doctor immediately. Talk to your doctor regarding treatment for urinary tract infection which is safe in pregnancy that is sugar and lactose free.
In addition, some women may notice urinary incontinence i.e involuntary loss of urine. During pregnancy due to the uterus exerting pressure on the bladder, at times especially when you cough or sneeze may lead to urinary incontinence. Unfortunately, this may continue even after delivery.
What should I plan this week?
  • Learn about Kegel exercise. This is a special exercise for your pelvic floor muscles which helps supports your uterus, urethra, bladder and rectum. It has a lot of benefits one of which to help you avoid problems with urinary incontinence, reduce the risk of haemorrhoids and may even improve your sex life as your vagina tones increases! Now, you need to practice this exercise daily to reap the benefits.
Tips of the week
Tips of coping with urinary tract infections (UTI) during pregnancy:
  • Complete the antibiotics course given by doctor for the UTI even though your symptoms may be better after a few tablets.
  • Drink a lot of water at least 8 glasses / day
  • Wipe yourself from front to back after going to the toilet
  • Pass urine before and after sexual intercourse
  • Wear cotton underwear instead of synthetic ones.
  • Do not douche or use strong feminine wash around our genital areas.
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