week 25

What is happening to my baby?
Your baby’s brain is gradually developing forming connection between the nerve cells and nerve fibre ends. In addition, he or she is putting on baby fat to smooth out the wrinkles in the skin. At this stage, your baby probably already is 22cm in length and weighs approximately 680gm.
What is happening to me?
You are also gradually putting on weight. You will also notice swelling of your legs especially at the end of a long day. Some women may have troubles with varicose veins in their legs. Talk to your doctor regarding specific treatment if the varicose vein is causing your too much trouble. This treatment could also help with haemorrhoid problems. See your doctor immediately, if there excessive swelling in your legs especially if it is more pronounced in one of the legs or painful. It could be due to blood clots in your legs (Deep venous thrombosis)
What should I plan this week?
Tips of pregnancy
Tips on preventing and dealing with varicose vein during pregnancy:
  • Exercise daily to get the blood circulation moving
  • Elevate your legs using several pillow at the end of the day
  • Keep your weight between the recommended weight gain
  • Sleep on your left side with your legs tilted up. You could place a pillow behind your back to keep you comfortable. This position could relieve the pressure on the large vein called inferior vena cava causing decrease pressure on the veins in your legs.
  • Wear support stocking called graduated-compression stockings
  • Avoid prolonged sitting or standing. Uncrossed your legs when sitting to prevent disruption to the blood flow in your legs.
Health matter
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