week 42

What is happening to me?

Congratulations! Most of you are now new mothers and coping with your new baby at home. For first timers, do not worry you won’t be perfect and there is always new things to learn and do not worry your baby is not as fragile as she or he may look like. You may still have some vaginal bleeding up to 4 – 6 weeks after delivery. This is called lochia. Initially is it heavier and reddish in colour. Gradually it will become lesser in amount and changes in colour to brown and yellowish.

What should I plan to do:
  • Plan to celebrate your new born – ‘aqiqah’ for the Malays and ‘new moon’ celebration for the Chinese. Make sure to not tired yourself too much. Get help!
  • Plan to see your doctor for a post natal follow up. This is normally about 6 weeks after delivery. There are important issues that need to be discuss and do such as contraception and doing your pap smear.
  • Contraception is important as you do not want to get pregnant too quickly. You body needs time to heal itself and your baby will need your attention at least for the next few months. Discuss with your doctor the best option for you.
  • Discuss with your partner regarding sex after delivery. Each couple is different. Start doing you Kegel’s exercise to strengthen the muscles below!
  • Make sure you allocate and give attention to your partner and your other children so they do not feel left out with the arrival of the new baby!
  • You may want to start planning on how to loose the weight that you gain during pregnancy!
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