Air Purifiers for Babies Room

Increasingly in recent years, people have purchased Indoor air purifiers for their baby”s or children”s rooms, particularly when their children suffer from allergies or asthma.  In recent years, it has become customary to place silent air purifiers in a baby”s room regardless of whether or not the baby is experiencing respiratory problems.  You need not buy air purifiers from us to get this advice, the information is free.

Our first advice, warning, and plea is to completely refrain from allowing cigarette smoke at all in the home where a baby lives.  Babies, especially premature ones, have lungs that may not be well developed.  Even healthy babies lungs may have weak, underdeveloped muscles and their breathing systems may not be completely developed or operating fully.  Even if you buy air purifiers the child will have some exposure.
However, if there is going to be smoking in the house regardless, get a true HEPA unit with a lot of activated carbon to absorb the smoke and chemicals.  Also, keep a silent unit in the baby”s room running 24/7.
If there is no smoke in the house is the indoor unit still needed?  Yes.  The  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has published many reports stating the air in our homes is two to five times as polluted as outdoor air.  Even the cleaning products themselves can leave harmful toxins in the air which make it difficult for babies to breathe.  An indoor air purifier that is designed to removechemicals and odors is particularly important.
Clean air and a baby”s immune system are inextricably linked.  It is so important, especially during the sleeping hours that a baby breathes clean air so that its little lungs and its immune system have time to rest and rejuvenate.  In the very least, the baby”s bedroom or room where it does most of its sleeping should have a high quality HEPA air purifier.
Some mother”s worry that if their baby”s rooms are too clean the babies won”t develop the natural immunities required to for general health.  That argument doesn”t quite hold up when it comes to airborne particles.  Breathing in dustpollens, mold spores, and pet allergens are bad for adults with healthy systems, but for babies they can lead to greatly weakened systems.Â

Article contributed by Alen Air Purifiers

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