week 14

What’s happening to my baby

Your baby will continue to grow and mature. The placenta and umbilical cord is mature and delivering all the necessary blood, oxygen and nutrients to your baby. The brain’s development now enables your baby to smile or grimace. At this stage, your baby is about 80 – 89mm in length and 25grams in weight.
What’s happening to me
You may start to wear maternity clothes. You will feel much better now as the first trimester is over. Risk of miscarriage are usually less after this. However, you and partner should start thinking about meeting with your doctor for further antenatal test.
What should I plan this week
  • Discuss with your doctor regarding screening for Down Syndrome. Second trimester Down Syndrome screening is called Triple Test which involves taking some blood test from you. In addition, amniocentesis is another test which involves taking some amniotic fluid that surrounds your baby to detect any chromosomal abnormalities or other inherited genetic disorders.


A picture of a baby with Down Syndrome

Tips of the week

Tips on how to announce your pregnancy. This is one of the best things to do when your are expecting – sharing the good news!
  • Decide first how and when you are going to tell your partner the good news!
  • Decide with your partner on who then to tell. Obviously you would like to tell your closest family, relatives and friends who will spread the good news fast!
  • Decide when to tell. Most people would tell after the first trimester is over. However, this depends totally on you and your partner. You might never know that may need the support of your loved one if a miscarriage happens.
  • Decide how to tell. You could be really creative about this. The old way using phone is OK as well. In addition, you could email people photos of either you and your partner reading a pregnancy book or wearing T-shirt ‘Dad To-be or Mum To-be’!
Health matters
You should read up further on the following topics:

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