week 29

What is happening to my baby?
Your baby is rapidly gaining week doubling his or her weight over the last 5 weeks. A lot of development and maturation is occurring in the brain, lungs and muscles. At this stage your baby is about 26cm and weighs 1.25kg
What is happening to me?
The top of your uterus is now about 3 ½ to 4 inches above your belly button. Some other symptoms in pregnancy will be much more obvious now including constipation or swelling of the legs. Check your nutrition and diet to ensure that you are eating a healthy and balanced diet with a lot of fibres in it. Back pain and difficulty in getting the right sleeping position at this stage of pregnancy may become an issue for you. You could get a body pillow to help you sleep and perhaps trying out several yoga positions to help with that back pain.
What should I plan this week?
  • Deal with back ache. Go shopping for a body pillow and suitable mattress.
  • Learn yoga position to help with the back ache
Tips of the week
Tips on dealing with backache during pregnancy:
  • Check your shoes. Avoid wearing high heels and shoes that does not provide adequate support. Wear low heels or flat shoes instead.
  • Wear a support belt under your lower abdomen
  • Get some rest
  • Avoid carrying or lifting heavy objects
  • Have your partner give you a back rub
  • Involve in an exercise program e.g yoga or swimming is great to strengthen the abdominal and lower back muscles.
  • Avoid prolonged sitting
  • Try hot and cold compresses
  • Improve your posture. Learn to stand and sit up straight. Use a birth ball instead of your normal work chair at home.
  • Sleep on your side with your knees bent or pillow between your knees. You could also put pillows to support your back or abdomen.
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